Our Education Partners
Partners in Transformation
Building Whole Lives Together: A Tribute to Our Valued Partners
At Kathy’s House, our mission goes beyond achieving sobriety—we aim to heal the whole person so they can step into their God-given identity and purpose. Education plays a pivotal role in this process, helping individuals grow intellectually, make better decisions, and unlock their full potential. We are incredibly blessed by the many generous individuals and organizations who donate their time and resources to invest in these renewed lives.
Below, we proudly highlight some of our key partners who are deeply committed to training and equipping our residents to become the healthy, whole individuals God has created them to be. We like to call them “world changers!”
We also extend our heartfelt thanks to the many others who have contributed over the years but may not appear on this list. Your dedication of time, talent, and love has been instrumental in bringing whole-person healing to countless residents at Kathy’s House. We are forever grateful to each of you!
Step Forward Academy
We provide mentorship and coaching at no cost* to help people accomplish career goals
Step Forward Academy was started by Ryan Wong and Sophia Alexander in 2020. Growing up in Orange County, Ryan was blessed to have a strong family support system that helped prepare him for a successful career. After graduating from college and working in tech for several years in the Bay area, Ryan began volunteering as a mentor for young people. Through that experience, he discovered a passion for service that began to reshape his plans for the future. Soon Ryan and Sophia began to envision a program that could help adults with low wages break the cycle of poverty and create financial sustainability.
Amelia Grace Farm
Together we share a commitment to bringing healing to the hurting through connectedness
We at Amelia Grace Farm, are dedicated to serving at-risk youth and some adults in Orange County, California, through equine-assisted ministry and mentorship. In a hurting world, figuring out where to give your time and money can be challenging. One thing you know for sure, miracles happen when people serve from the overflow of their hearts. We learned firsthand that horses provide a special relationship with hurting people and can change the trajectory of their lives.
Embrace Your Identity & Discover Freedom
Unity Hope Growth Healing + Counsel Creativity Adventure Community
Testimony Life specializes in helping you grow, heal, and move forward in whatever walk of life you're in. In addition to offering counseling for individuals, couples, families, teens, and children - we are distinguished by providing alternative beneficial options to aid in your healing process. Some of these methods include hiking, gardening, camping, and other outdoor activities. Because each one of us heals and grows differently, we provide additional creative options for healing through therapeutic art activities. These range from painting to crafting, to baking and more. Whichever path to healing you choose, at Testimony Life we are dedicated to providing effective & efficient individualized, support and care.
Career Online High School
Earn Your High School Diploma plus a Career Certificate Online - Mission Viejo Library
The Career Online High School Program enables California adults to earn a high school diploma, free of charge, through their local public library. To date, 27,357 have explored interest in the Career Online High School program while 6,069 individuals have enrolled in the program. Over 15 percent of Californians over age 25 did not complete their secondary education. Many Career Online High School participants faced barriers in obtaining a high school diploma, including transportation limitations, family responsibilities, restrictive schedules, and educational trauma.
In 2021-2022, 71 California public library jurisdictions offered support for adults to earn a high school diploma through online study with Career Online High School. Students participating in the State Library project take an average of 11 months to receive their diploma and 76 percent of graduates surveyed reported they are interested in post-secondary education. Since 2014 to date, 2,878 students have graduated from the State Library’s Career Online High School program.
The True Role of a Man
We live in a time where men are hunting for the truth and looking for the codebook to manhood. At BraveCo, we are on a mission to heal the narrative of masculinity across a generation; fighting the good fight together because every man should feel confident and capable of facing his pain, loving deeply, and leading a life that impacts the world around him.
We understand not every man’s story is the same — we are a company of men with different backgrounds, from different regions, and representing a diversity of ages, but we believe in the power of community and brotherhood. Through BraveCo’s 12-month Discipleship Program, we equip men for the journey of manhood and embrace the truth that no person was designed to thrive alone. Join us in the pursuit of wholeness, purpose, and brotherhood and glean wisdom, time-tested insights, tools and resources from men that are experts in their field.