Download and Read Our Current and Past Newsletters
2024 December
This Christmas,
We celebrate the gift of Emmanuel—God with us—whose presence brings hope and transformation. At Kathy’s House, His blessings are felt every day, and through your faithful partnership, His love shines brighter in countless lives. May the joy of His presence fill your heart this season and always. Merry Christmas!
2024 November
We Are Grateful
With hearts overflowing with gratitude, we embrace this beautiful holiday season, deeply thankful for each of you—our amazing partners in this mission. Your steadfast support and prayers empower us to pursue the calling we believe God has entrusted to us.
2024 October
Fall Updates
It’s been a while since our last update, and we’re excited to share how God has been moving powerfully in our ministry. The impact of Kathy’s House continues to be profound, and we are constantly reminded of His grace at work in the lives of the individuals and families we serve. We stand in awe of the transformation happening here, thanks to your prayers and support.
2024 September
Grand Opening
Come to Our Grand Opening on Saturday, September 21, 10 am-5:30 pm. We’ve added a second store with 3,000 sq. ft. of more treasures for you to find. Come celebrate with us as we show off our new store and win an iPAD!
2024 April
Final Print Edition
In January of this year, the Lord spoke to us through the book of Nehemiah, revealing the importance of rebuilding the walls of our lives. Proverbs 25:28 states that “whoever has no rule over their own spirit is like a city broken down, without walls.”
2023 November
We Are So Grateful
We know you have had many opportunities to give in 2023, and we are humbled that you have chosen to partner with Kathy’s House in giving your hearts, finances, and prayers. We simply could not do it without you!
2023 September
New Creation Fund Raiser
We would love to extend an invitation to each and every one of you to partner with this mission and attend our Fundraiser in October. This will be an amazing night of testimony and redemption you will not want to miss. If you have not received an invitation, please call the office at 949-248-8300 so we can get an invite out to you. Please tell a friend; all are welcome!
2023 August
New Creations
We are surrounded by these treasures discovered in darkness, these men and women full of hidden riches, discarded and rejected by the world, but so precious to our King.
2023 April
Hope Afresh
I was listening to a song this week called “The Blessing” by Cody Carnes. The song is based on a blessing in the book of Numbers 6:24-26. I was floored by just how much I needed to hear this and how deeply I was able to connect with the heart behind this song.
2022 December
Because He Gave
Christmas is upon us. In such uncertain times, it is easy to be discouraged, and it seems like daily we are fighting off some form of fear or another. Here at Kathy’s House, we hold on to one thing that is certain; Jesus is on the throne and that is the best news ever!
2022 October
Your Generosity
I spent some time this week reflecting on my journey. Nothing in particular, mostly meditating on just how good God is and just how much He has done for me and those around me. So many times in this journey He has responded to me so differently than I would have expected.
2022 June
Because of Your Love
At Kathy’s House, we are a family. We
believe everything God has for each resident here can be found in a healthy God-centered family. When someone comes to Kathy’s House, we commit to caring for them as a family would. We make goals, overcome obstacles, sort through the wreckage of the past, …