Zachary’s House
A Journey to Biblical Manhood and Family Restoration
We are living in the most fatherless generation in American history—yet not because our fathers have fallen in war. The greatest challenge facing America today is the disintegration of the family, and the foundations of true masculinity are under relentless attack.
At Zachary’s House, we believe that now, more than ever, the hearts of fathers are turning back to their children, and the hearts of children are returning to their fathers. If you commit to our program, you can expect to spend a year partnering with the Holy Spirit, experiencing radical restoration in every area of your life.
Even if you’re not yet a father, you will learn what it truly means to walk as a man of God. You’ll be equipped with a strong sense of identity, learn to walk in purity and sobriety, develop financial responsibility, and be trained to lead biblically—empowered to make a positive impact on the world around you.